Healthy Changes at Capitol Hill Books

Our newly expanded sociology and LGBTQ sections.

Capitol Hill Books recently got some brand new shelves from our friends at Two Buck Books, so we decided to rearrange things a bit.

Our health books have long been crammed into the corner of our third room, brimming with titles about everything from allergies to yoga. We decided it was about time to make some more room for books that we know are very popular with our customers.

To do this we moved our sociology books to the third room right across from psychology. That way people who are interested in both people and groups of people could find everything they need in one area. Our LGBT section was moved just a bit to the north on some brand new shelves.

The fruit of your health is in our new holistic section.

Then we moved our “Holistic Health” section to a more prominent location just inside the store’s second room. These books used to be on some high shelves so that people interested in yoga has to practice some stretches just to get access to the books. Now they are all within easy reach. The books you’ll find in our new holistic health section include herbs, yoga, tai chi, massage, and general holistic health.

AndĀ  the rest of our health books have taken over the space where holistic health once belonged. This allows the once tight sections to expand and be more distinct. The books in this section include: General Health, Women’s Health, Arthritis, Allergies, Pain (back, knee, fibromyalgia, etc.), Diabetes/Sleep, Longevity, Diet, AIDS, Cancer, Heart Disease, and Health Reference books.

We’re also in the process of making some other minor adjustments. Small paperback mysteries have a new bookcase and fiction is being expanded to some additional shelves at the end of its section so that we no longer have any books on the almost out-of-reach top shelves.

All of this is simply an effort to make it easier for our customersĀ  to access books of interest. But we really try to listen to our customers, so please let us know your opinions of our recent rearranging, and of course feel free to ask us questions if you find that your favorite section is not where it once was.

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