Late Summer Odds and Ends

Our fresh and cool new products

Einstein in his underwear

Chicken? Spaceman? Whatever.

We’ve had an absolutely great summer here at Capitol Hill Books. We’re so happy that people seem to appreciate our little used bookstore after more than 30 years in business. Now that it’s the end of summer, we’ve made a few little improvements and added some new products for our customers. We’ll let the pictures show the story on this one.
U and V included seperately

Our new labeling system creates some interesting surprises.

We’ve added some more fun products for our customers including “optic bookmarks” that change when your perspective does, fun, beaded pen covers in explosive colors, inexpensive notebooks hand dyed by Indonesian free-trade artisans, locally produced buttons featuring artistic drawings of your favorite authors along with thought-provoking quotes, new post cards and greeting cards with bold images and even bolder messages and of course our popular and hilarious magnets.

We also continue to carry reading glasses in a variety of strengths and fun designs. Here are some fun new wardrobe magnets that allow you to dress up or down Einstein and Sigmund Freud. Come on in and put Einstein into a chicken suit.

Don’t worry. We’re not ignoring our books to push cards and magnets. We love our little inexpensive gift items, but we know that a bookstore still needs to be about the books. That is why we continue to work to make our bookstore more organized and easy to use for our customers. We recently added small alphabetic placards throughout many of our shelves to show customers exactly where author Trezza Azzopardi ends and author Isaac Babel begins. Yes, we have begun to alphabetize many of our most popular sections including fiction (both hardcover and small paperback), mystery, speculative fiction, and psychology. We hope that these placards will make it easier for our customers to find what they are looking for, but of course our staff is always ready to answer any questions.

We appreciate that our customers keep returning to our store and just want to let them know that we will keep striving to make the customer experience better. And that means hearing from you. Please let us know if you’d like to see any other changes at Capitol Hill Books. While we may not always be able to accommodate every suggestion, we’ll definitely take it seriously and try to figure out how we can make improvements. So go the comment button, use our posted e-mail to send us a message, or simply come in the store and tell us what we can do to make the store work better for you.

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