Which is why we were so excited to hear about 14-year old Wryn’s awesome Eagle Scout project. Wryn is a very ambitious kid. Most boy scouts don’t receive their Eagle Scout rank until 16 or 17, yet Wryn completed his before he even finished his freshman year in high school.
Wryn’s project came from talking to his former teacher Scharlotte Bowles at Platte River Academy about how to encourage kids to enjoy reading.
“There are a lot of teenagers out there who don’t like what they read and if I could give them an opportunity to read something that would interesting, they’d have a spark in their love of reading,” Wryn said.
Wryn’s project was multi-faceted. First he hand-built several large bookshelves for the classroom. Then he raised money by asking the local PTA and friends and family for funds to buy books. Then with about $600 in hand, he thought of the best place to get the most books for the least amount of money.
That was when Wryn contacted us. He originally thought to do a book drive but worried that he’d get a bunch of random Danielle Steel novels, not the type of books that would typically inspire a middle-schooler. So we immediately went to work when he contacted us, rummaging through our collections to find the books from a list Ms. Bowles prepared and suggesting dozens of titles on our own. Together we came up with 130 books for Ms. Bowles’ classroom.
Wryn has only to pass through the Boy Scouts Board of Review to get his Eagle Scout. He feels confident he’ll get his Eagle Scout since he has a track record of service with the scouts including maintaining trails and helping clean neighbor’s houses. Wryn definitely is a bright young man with a great looking future ahead of him and we’re just glad to help him with his goals.
And of course we’d be happy to help with your project too. Need books for a specific purpose? Want to know if Capitol Hill Books can provide a donation of books, gift certificates or even money to a charitable cause? Or do you simply need a space to inform the community about your upcoming event or project? Capitol Hill Books can help in a variety of community endeavors. Just give us a call at 303.837.0700 or e-mail us at Info@capitolhillbooks.com to see what we can do for you.