One of the fun things about having this new WordPress web site, is our ability to see our site visits. We’ve been so wonderfully surprised by people checking out our web site from all across the country and even the world and realize that many of our web site visitors may never have a chance to visit our physical store. Although we encourage them to do so if they are ever in Denver.
Though our web site has lots of photos, none of them quite do justice to a full walk-through of our vast three-room store. So we decided to whip up a little video taken from still photographs to show the inside of Capitol Hill Books. We’ve added a few helpful captions to show some interesting parts along the way, but if any of you viewers have anything else you’d like to know about from the tour, please let us know in the comments.
The song during the video is Elvis Costello’s classic “Every Day I Write the Book,” the best ever song written about the similarities of being in a relationship and writing a novel.
Great Job Julio! I’d like to see an “underground” video of the basement. I’ve got numerous Halogen Lights to improve the brightness. We can get great shots of the hanging wires, the “lounge” room, and that big vault door.
I’m sure you could pick an excellent song for background music.
I’ll probably just use the soundtrack for Halloween. Make it into a horror film. Nightmare on Colfax Avenue.